Day 1 of coding: *but not quite

#1 Uploading my first WordPress Blog to Hashnode

Hello readers, I want to say im excited to be on this platform and being able to share my Data journey with you guys. Before anything else, my first couple of blog posts will be copied from my WordPress account. So this isn't my first day of coding, I'm 2-3 weeks into this and I'm still learning [updates pending]. Please enjoy my 'old' blog posts from WordPress. My Blogs has improved since this entry, but I think seeing the beginning is a great way to understand where I'm going with coding. (1/5)

This is my first blog post, it will be an introduction about why I'm starting the journey of coding.

I decided to start this journey for a multitude of reasons, one of the main is that coding, in general, has always perked my interest. This is my third time trying to make it a viable skill I can use in day-to-day life. The reason why I failed previously was not because of boredom or difficulty per se (i do enjoy a challenge). I failed because my attention was ‘needed’ elsewhere. I'm in university doing economics. This requires a lot of reading and when exam season comes along, commitments like coding seem necessary to phase out, but when I finished exam season I never went back. I simply invested my time reading or just surfing social media. I'm still interested and it is definitely a skill I want and maybe need.

Despite ceasing my coding journey in the past, I still watched and read blogs around software engineering and data analysis. So I know I have a strong interest in this subject, but I just found the learning process difficult to maintain. This time around I came prepared, I have contacted a friend so he can hold me accountable. I will be contacting him every week or so to discuss current developments on my journey, understanding there will be highs and lows, and discussing the lows with a friend will be great. It helps with reflection and motivates me to carry on in the future.

I will be using Freecodecamp as my main resource to learn the foundations of coding through Python. Freecodecamp has a structured syllabus with great course leaders, this means they will be delivering quality content that is easy for me to absorb. Very helpful, since the alternative would be creating my own syllabus, which is a problem if I miss key topics.

The main reason why I started blogging is to document my journey of being a self-taught developer. This has the benefit of being a record of what I did, so it can be given to potential employers, so they can see my journey.

I'm not sure how informal or formal I should be writing this (blogging is a new experience as well), so I’ll be choosing an informal approach first, but thank you for seeing my first steps into this world.

by SKL